Alaska Oilfield: Prudhoe Bay
More than 18 billion barrels of oil have been produced in Alaska’s North Slope since the discovery of the Prudhoe Bay oil field. Prudhoe Bay Oil Field is the largest oil field in North America, covering 213,543 acres. Originally it contained approximately 25 billion barrels of oil.
The amount of oil recovered in the Alaska oil field is more than double the amount of oil recovered in the next largest oil field in the United States, the East Texas oil field.
Oil production is one of the key factors for economic growth in the Alaska region. It has accounted for more than $180 billion in total revenue, funding up to 90 percent of the state’s unrestricted General Fund revenues for most of the years. In FY 2019 more than $3.1 billion was paid in state and local taxes and royalties by the Alaska oil and gas industry.